
A Complete Partner Setup in Autotask and integrating it into Dropsuite


Access to Dropsuite and Autotask.

The Process

Step 1: Complete Partner Setup in Autotask

  1. Launch Autotask URL.

  2. Log in using valid credentials.

  3. Navigate to Admin, then Company Settings & Users.

  4. Expand Resources/Users (HR) and click on Resources/Users.

  5. Click on New API User.

  6. Fill in all mandatory information in the General Section, selecting an appropriate Security Level.  For guidance on creating a new Role, refer to the Setting Up a New Security Role in Autotask documentation.

  7. Click Generate Key and Generate Secret. Save both the Key and Secret for later use during integration on Dropsuite's Partner Portal

  8. Select "Dropsuite - Cloud Backup" as the Integration Vendor

  9. Click on Save and Close.

Step 2: Connect to Autotask on Dropsuite's Partner Portal

  1. Log in to the Partner Portal. Click the Integration menu on the left navigation bar, marked with the plugged-in icon.
    The Integration menu is available for all types of partners: distributor, direct reseller, and sub-reseller.

  2. Click the Connect button on the Autotask card.

  3. Input the previously generated Key and Secret into the respective fields, then click the Next Step button.

  4. Upon successful connection, you are officially connected to Autotask. The system will display a success banner and redirect you to the ticket mapping form. Complete the form by selecting the suitable options, then click Next Step. All fields are required, so ensure none are left blank.
    You can skip this step and continue with the ticket mapping later.

    When you return to the Integration page, you will find a Connected badge next to Autotask.

  5. Upon successful ticket mapping, the system shows a banner with a completed ticket mapping setup. You can continue to do plan and organization mapping.

  6. If you click the Revoke All Ticket Mapping button, it will only reset the ticket mapping form. Your Autotask connection won't be affected.

Step 3: Create a New Plan with Autotask Integration

When creating a new plan that is connected through the Autotask integration, you will notice a new pop-up that appears upon successful creation.

  1. Click the Manage button to map the plan. You'll be redirected to the Integration page for mapping.

  2. Select Service from the available options, then click Connect (blue icon).

    After successfully mapping the plan, you will notice a green checkmark indicating success, and the Unlink button will appear.

  3. Upon returning to the plan page, click on the Menu button and select View Integration. You will now see the Synced badge indicating that the plan is synchronized with the integration.


Step 4: Edit Existing Plans Mapped with Autotask Integration

  1. Click the Menu button, then select View Integration.

  2. A popup will appear. Click Manage to proceed with mapping the plan with ConnectWise.

  3. You will be redirected to the Integration page. Please continue to select Service and proceed until it is successfully synced.

Step 5: Create a New Organization Connected Through Autotask Integration

  1. Select the plan that is synced with the Autotask integration.

  2. Upon successful organization creation, a new pop-up will appear for mapping requirements. Click the Manage button to redirect you to the Integration page.

  3. Select Company, Contract, and Contract Service, then click Connect (blue icon).

  4. Upon successful organization mapping, a green checkmark will appear, and the Unlink button will be displayed.


Step 6: Edit an Existing Organization and Map with Autotask

  1. Go to the Integration page, click on Option, then select Manage Connection.

  2. Click on Organization Mapping, find the organization you want to edit, select Company, Contract, and Contract Service, then click Connect (blue icon).
    Once successful, the system will display a green check and the Unlink button.