
How to restore an email using the Dropsuite portal.


One of the following accesses to the Dropsuite Platform

  • Full Admin
  • IT Admin
  • User View and Restore (This will only work for the user to restore their own emails)
  • User (This will only work for the user to restore their own emails)
  • Group Supervisor (This will only work if the restore is for a user in a group you are an admin of)

The Process

This will show how to restore emails to a default folder, a different folder, or to a new folder.

  1. On the backup dashboard, locate the user you need to restore emails for and select "Restore".

  2. In the next window, select the date range you would like to restore email from.

  3. The next step will depend on where you would like to restore emails to:
    1. Default Folder - This option will restore the emails to the default folder.
      • This option will be available from any page you find the "Restore" option on.

    2. Other Folder - This option is so that you can restore the emails to another existing folder. You will need to select which folder from the dropdown menu you would like them restored to.
      • This option will only available when doing a restore from the dashboard page, or the view or preview email page.
      • You will be able to select a main folder, or a sub-folder.
      • Folders will be sorted alphanumerically ascending.

    3. New Folder - This option gives you the ability to have a new folder created for the restored emails to be moved to. You will need to enter a name for the new folder.
      • This option will be available from any page you find the "Restore" option on.
      • The maximum length of the folder name is 60 characters.
      • To create a sub-folder add "/" after the main folder name to then add the sub-folder name.
      • Special characters are not permitted in the folder name, such as the following: !@#$%^&*()+-=[]{};':\"
      • If the folder name you created already exists, the emails will instead be restored to the existing folder

  4. Next, select the "Start Restore" Option.

  5. In the next window, you will be able to see the amount of messages, the date range you previously chose as well as the use. Once you have confirmed this is correct, select "Yes, Continue".

  6. You can then navigate to the "SYSTEM STATUS" tab and select "Restores".

  7. On this page, you will be able to see the status of the restore.

These are things to note when restoring emails.

  • If you restore emails that already still exist in the email, it is possible that you will end up with duplicate emails.
  • If there happen to be any issues when completing the restore and you need to reach out to support, you would also need to provide the Restore ID.
    • You can find the Restore ID on the system status page on that specific restore.