Dropsuite - Service Billing Details

Trial Available:  Yes                        

Internal Use Licenses (IUL): Yes 

Not For Profit Pricing Available (NFP): Yes  - With Approval 

Education Pricing Available: Yes - With Approval

Please Note: Unless advised in writing, Backup365 data will be retained up until the 31st of December 2024 charged at a rate of $0.80 cents per user per month. 

To have this data removed from Backup365 once you are comfortable with Dropsuite please send an email to provisioning@manageprotect.com listing which customer accounts you would like removed from Backup365.

Partners previously on the Backup365 platform will automatically be charged for Dropsuite Seats unless advised in writing to provisioning@manageprotect.com to remove the service.


Additional Policies:

  • Trials commence from the date of the provision until the last business day of the month. Partner must inform Manage Protect before this time to avoid billing for the next month.
  • IUL - Fully featured versions of Dropsuite with no restrictions to be used internally.
  • NFP pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.

  • Education pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.

  • With "Auto  Licensing" Enabled - Dropsuite is designed to set it up once, and forget.  Once the service is provisioned we will enable all Mailboxes, SharePoint and OneDrive sites for backup. Any new mailboxes, OneDrive instances or SharePoint sites created within the tenancy will be automatically included in the Backup regime.  

  • Dropsuite is billed per licensed user within the tenancy, partners have the ability to select which users to include / exclude from Dropsuite which will impact billing quantities.