
Working with Allow Lists and Deny Lists


What the Partner/Customer will need to be able to complete the steps, for example

  • An admin level login
  • The MParchive Outlook plug-in

The Process

Guardz has 2 levels of allow/deny lists - global or customer. Which one you are working with will depend on the setting at top left. If you are viewing all customers, clicking on the Email Protection configuration button...

will show 'Global' lists.

With a specific customer selected, the screen will show as below.

Clicking on the '+' will add an entry. If you are Managing the Global allow list, it will apply to all customers. If not, it will only add the allow list for the selected customer.

Allow lists can be a specific email address, or an entire domain. Note that this will include all the subdomains of the domain.

Clicking submit will add the entry to the allow list.