
Dropsuite has the ability to 'migrate' data to mailboxes outside of the customer where the data has been backed up.


  • Access to the Dropsuite portal
  • Credentials and settings for an account outside of the customer

The Process

Migrate Backed-Up Data

This option will allow you to restore the data to a mailbox other than the one it was backed up from. 

  1. Log into the end-user portal for your organization and go to the dashboard.
  2. Hover on the mailbox you wish to Migrate from and click the Migrate option.
  3. If you want all the backed-up data in the new mailbox, click on the date range and select “all.” Likewise, if you only want items from a specific date range, select that range.
  4. Select the destination for the data.
    1. If the mailbox already exists, select “Existing Account” and select the desired account dropdown menu.
    2. If you want to migrate to a new user mailbox, select “New Account.” Then select the type of tenant from the dropdown
      1. Select Gmail for GWS accounts.
      2. Select O365 for Microsoft 365 accounts.
      3. For all others (including Microsoft Exchange), select “Other Email.”
    3. For options 1 and 2, you will be prompted to sign into the mailbox you want to migrate to.
    4. For option 3, enter the username and password for the mail and the IMAP settings for that mailbox.
  5. Click on “Start Migrate.”
  6. You can check on the status of the migration from the “System Status” > “Migrations” page.