Guardz - Service Billing Details
Trial Available: Yes - 14 days
Internal Use Licenses (IUL): Yes - 10 seats
Not For Profit Pricing Available (NFP): Yes
Education Pricing Available: Yes - Non-billing of students (requires approval).
Additional Policies:
- Trial commences when provisioned, and then after 14 days expires is not upgraded. Once upgraded if the customer is removed before the end of the month there will be no fees due.
- IUL - Fully featured versions of Guardz with no restrictions to be used internally.
- NFP pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.
- Education pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.
- All accounts that are processed and marked as "active" in the portal will be billed at the start of the month. This includes billing for Shared Mailboxes users that are processed as an active account.