
DLP Data Types represent the data being looked for in emails, attachments, files, and messages. Each DLP rule is assigned a geographical region that it fits in. All the DLP Data Types are either Global or relate to a specific country.

Please refer to MPmail Avanan - Setup DLP for a complete guide on how to set up DLP 

The Process

Global built-in Data Types for Avanan Smart DLP:


Global built-in Data Types


Data Type


Advertising identifier

Identifiers used by developers to track users for advertising purposes. These include Google Play Advertising IDs, Amazon Advertising IDs, Apple's identifierForAdvertising (IDFA), and Apple's identifierForVendor (IDFV).

Age of an individual

An age measured in months or years.

Credit card number

A credit card number is 12 to 19 digits long. They are used for payment transactions globally.

Credit Card Extended

Credit card numbers that match even if appearing as substrings. For example, AX123412345612345*1234

Credit card track number

A credit card track number is a variable length alphanumeric string. It is used to store key cardholder information.

Date of birth

A date of birth. 

Domain name

A domain name as defined by the DNS standard.

Email address

An email address identifies the mailbox that emails are sent to or from. The maximum length of the domain name is 255 characters, and the maximum length of the local-part is 64 characters.

Ethnic group

A person’s ethnic group.

Female name

A common female name. 

First name

A first name is defined as the first part of a Person Name. 


A person’s gender identity.

Generic id

Alphanumeric and special character strings that may be personally identifying but do not belong to a well-defined category, such as user IDs or medical record numbers.

IBAN Americas

An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed-upon method for identifying bank accounts defined by the International Standard of Organization (ISO) 13616:2007 standard. An IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, including elements such as a country code or account number. This rule detects American IBAN formats.


An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed-upon method for identifying bank accounts defined by the International Standard of Organization (ISO) 13616:2007 standard. An IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, including elements such as a country code or account number. This rule detects Asian IBAN formats 

IBAN Africa

An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed-upon method for identifying bank accounts defined by the International Standard of Organization (ISO) 13616:2007 standard. An IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, including elements such as a country code or account number. This rule detects African IBAN formats

IBAN Europe

An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed-upon method for identifying bank accounts defined by the International Standard of Organization (ISO) 13616:2007 standard. An IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, including elements such as a country code or account number. This rule detects European IBAN formats

HTTP cookie and set-cookie headers

An HTTP cookie is a standard way of storing data on a per website basis. This detector will find headers containing these cookies.

ICD9 code

The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) lexicon is used to assign diagnostic and procedure codes associated with inpatient, outpatient, and physician office use in the United States. The US National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) created the ICD-9-CM lexicon. It is based on the ICD-9 lexicon, but provides for more morbidity detail. The ICD-9-CM lexicon is updated annually on October 1.

ICD10 code

Like ICD-9-CM codes, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) lexicon is a series of diagnostic codes. The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the ICD-10-CM lexicon to describe causes of morbidity and mortality.

Patient Information

Detects leaked medical patient information. The detection is based on matching health codes and various personal information patterns.

Phone IMEI number

An International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) hardware identifier, used to identify mobile phones.

IP address

An Internet Protocol (IP) address (either IPv4 or IPv6).

Last name

A last name is defined as the last part of a Person Name.

Street addresses and landmarks

A physical address or location. 

MAC address

A media access control address (MAC address), which is an identifier for a network adapter.

Local MAC address

A local media access control address (MAC address), which is an identifier for a network adapter.

Male name

A common male name.

Medical term

Terms that commonly refer to a person's medical condition or health. 

Organization name

A name of a chain store, business or organization.

Passport Number

A passport number that matches passport numbers for the following countries: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Person name

A full person name, which can include first names, middle names or initials, and last names. 

Phone number

A telephone number.

Street address

A street address. 

Bank SWIFT routing number

A SWIFT code is the same as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). It's a unique identification code for a particular bank. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Banks also use the codes for exchanging other messages.

Date or Time

A date. This Rule name includes most date formats, including the names of common world holidays. 

Human readable time

A timestamp of a specific time of day, e.g. 9:54 pm.


A Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Vehicle identification number

A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique 17-digit code assigned to every on-road motor vehicle.

Authentication token

An authentication token is a machine-readable way of determining whether a particular request has been authorized for a user. This detector currently identifies tokens that comply with OAuth or Bearer authentication.

Amazon Web Services credentials

Amazon Web Services account access keys.

Azure JSON web token

Microsoft Azure certificate credentials for application authentication.

HTTP Basic authentication header

A basic authentication header is an HTTP header used to identify a user to a server. It is part of the HTTP specification in RFC 1945, section 11.

Encryption key

An encryption key within configuration, code, or log text.

Google Cloud Platform API key

Google Cloud API key. An encrypted string that is used when calling Google Cloud APIs that don't need to access private user data.

Google Cloud Platform service account credentials

Google Cloud service account credentials. Credentials that can be used to authenticate with Google API client libraries and service accounts.

JSON web token

JSON Web Token. JSON Web Token in compact form. Represents a set of claims as a JSON object that is digitally signed using JSON Web Signature.


Clear text passwords in configs, code, and other text.

Top 100,000 most common weakly hashed passwords

A weakly hashed password is a method of storing a password that is easy to reverse engineer. The presence of such hashes often indicate that a system's security can be improved.

Common headers containing XSRF tokens

An XSRF token is an HTTP header that is commonly used to prevent cross-site scripting attacks. Cross-site scripting is a type of security vulnerability that can be exploited by malicious sites.

Country Specific Data Types


Data Type name


Australia driver’s license number

An Australian driver's license number.

Australia medicare number

A 9-digit Australian Medicare account number is issued to permanent residents of Australia (except for Norfolk island). The primary purpose of this number is to prove Medicare eligibility to receive subsidized care in Australia.

Australia passport number

An Australian passport number.

Australia tax file number

An Australian tax file number (TFN) is a number issued by the Australian Tax Office for taxpayer identification. Every taxpaying entity, such as an individual or an organization, is assigned a unique number.

DLP Categories

The table below shows the default Data Types of each DLP category for Avanan accounts residing in different regions.

DLP Category

Default Data Type for Avanan accounts residing in US/Canada region

Default Data Type for Avanan accounts residing in other regions


ICD9 description match
ICD10 description match
 USA healthcare national provider  identifier

ICD9 description match
ICD10 description match
Australia medicare number
British Columbia public health network number
Ontario health insurance number
Quebec health insurance number
Ireland Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)
Scotland community health index number
United Kingdom national health service number
 USA healthcare national provider identifier


Passport number
USA drivers license number
USA passport number
USA social security number
 USA vehicle identification number

Passport number
Vehicle identification number
Argentina identity card number
Australia driver's license number
Australia passport number
Belgium National Identity card number
Brazil individual taxpayer identification number
Canada driver's license number
Canada passport number
Canada social insurance number
Chile identity card number
China resident number
China passport number
Colombia identity card number
Denmark CPR number
France national identity card number
France national insurance number
France passport number
Finland personal identity code
Germany driver's license number
German identity card number
German passport number
Hong Kong identity card number India Aadhaar number
India permanent account number
Indonesia identity number (Nomor Induk Kopenduduken)
Ireland driver license number
Ireland passport number
Israel identity card number
Italy fiscal code number
Japan driver's license number
Japan individual number or "My Number"
Japan passport number
Korea passport number
Korea resident registration number
Mexico population registry number
Mexico passport number
Netherlands citizen service number
Norway national identity number
Paraguay identity card number
Peru identity card number
Poland PESEL number
Poland national id number
Poland passport
Portugal identity card number
Singapore national registration number
Singapore passport number
Spain DNI or Documento Nacional de Identidad
Spain driver's license number
Spain foreigner tax identification number
Spain tax identification number
Spain passport number
Spain social security number
Sweden personal identity number
Sweden passport number
Taiwan passport number
Thai national identification card number
Turkish identification number
United Kingdom drivers license number
United Kingdom national insurance number
United Kingdom passport number
USA drivers license number
USA passport number
USA social security number
Uruguay identity card number
 Venezuela identity card number


Bank SWIFT routing number
IBAN Africa
IBAN Americas
IBAN Europe
American Bankers CUSIP identifier
USA Adoption Taxpayer Identification number
USA bank routing number
USA Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
 USA Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number

Bank SWIFT routing number
IBAN Africa
IBAN Americas
IBAN Europe
Australia tax file number
Canada bank account number
France tax identification number
Germany taxpayer identification number
Germany Schufa identification number
India GST identification number
Japan bank account number
Spain CIF or Código de Identificación Fiscal
United Kingdom taxpayer reference number
American Bankers CUSIP identifier
USA Adoption Taxpayer Identification number
USA bank routing number
USA Employer Identification Number
USA Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
 USA Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number 

Access Control

Advertising Identifier
Phone IMEI number
MAC address
Local MAC address
Authentication token
Amazon Web Services credentials
Azure JSON Web Token
HTTP basic authentication header
Encryption key
Google Cloud Platform API key
Google Cloud Platform service account
JSON Web Token
Top 100,000 most common weekly hashed passwords
 Common headers containing xsrf tokens

Advertising Identifier
Phone IMEI number
MAC address
Local MAC address
Authentication token
Amazon Web Services credentials
Azure JSON Web Token
HTTP basic authentication header
Encryption key
Google Cloud Platform API key
Google Cloud Platform service account credentials
JSON Web Token
Top 100,000 most common weekly
hashed passwords
 Common headers containing xsrf tokens


Credit card number
 Credit card track number

Credit card number
 Credit card track number


ICD9 description match
ICD10 description match
USA DEA number
USA healthcare national provider identifier
USA Medical Record Number (MRN)
 USA Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

ICD9 description match
ICD10 description match
USA DEA number
USA healthcare national provider