
Backup365 has the ability to complete folder restores in SharePoint and OneDrive from the Backup365 Portal. Similar to an individual file restore, users will see folders listed in the SharePoint and OneDrive tabs which they can restore.


A restore level account to the Backup365 portal.

The Process

      For SharePoint folder restores:      
  1. Go to the Backup365 Portal, log in and navigate to the SharePoint tab. 
  2. Find the SharePoint site which you would like to restore a folder from.
  3. Click on “Browse Site” button to see the structure of the SharePoint site.
  4. Once you’ve located the folder you’d wish to restore, check the radio button to the left of the folder. 
5. Then click the “Restore” button at the top of the page. 

6. In the pop-up window, you can define the destination of where you wish to save the restored folder. Then hit the “Restore” button. This will trigger the folder restore.

7. The person who actioned the restore will receive an email with the download link of the account. The email will download into a file written in the following format: Restored_xxxx_xx_xx 

The email will have a subject of: S3 Restore File Upload

Please ensure that the "Restore to a downloadable file" is ticked.