This article describes how to set up the MPMail mail flow rules using powershell
- A global admin account in the Microsoft 365 tenancy
The Process
- Open powershell and connect to exchange online with the following command: Connect-ExchangeOnline
- Enter global admin credentials
- Once authenticated and connected, enter the following command to create the MPMail Inbound rule: New-TransportRule "MPMail Inbound Rule" -ExceptIfFromScope InOrganization -RejectMessageEnhancedStatusCode 5.7.1 -RejectMessageReasonText "Email bypassed MXRecords" -ExceptIfSenderIpRanges,,,,,,,,, -ExceptIfMessageTypeMatches Calendaring
- Enter this command to create the rule that bypasses Microsoft Spam Filtering: New-TransportRule "Bypass Spam Filtering" -SentToScope InOrganization -SetSCL -1
- You can also create the connector but it will still need to be validated. To create it, use this command: New-OutboundConnector -Name "MPMail Outbound" -Comment "Send all external outbound email through MPMail SmartHost" -Enabled $true -RecipientDomains * -SmartHosts <domain> -TlsSettings EncryptionOnly -UseMXRecord $false
- To validate the connector, use the command below or do it via M365 Exchange Online admin center under Mail Flow/Connectors
- Validate-OutboundConnector -Identity "MPmail Outbound" -Recipients <enter external email address>