Trial Available: Yes
Internal Use Licenses (IUL): Yes
Not For Profit Pricing Available (NFP): Yes
Education Pricing Available: Yes
Additional Policies:
Trials commence from the date of the provision until the last business day of the month. Partner must inform Manage Protect before this time to avoid billing for the next month.
IUL - Fully featured versions of MPmail with no restrictions to be used internally. Manage Protect reserves the right to discontinue or charge for IUL’s if there are no sales within 6 months.
NFP pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.
Education pricing is available with the approval from your Partner Manager based on your customer's eligibility.
MPmail365 is charged on a PER LICENSED MAILBOX basis when bundled with Microsoft 365; Shared, Resource and Alias Mailboxes are free of charge.
Microsoft 365 Consent required - Please refer to the following KB Article.